Common Bottle Feeding Myths

Common Bottle Feeding Myths

Myth: One bottle is most like breastfeeding

Fact: Every mother has a unique shape, texture, and flow.  Every baby has a unique suck. How can one brand be most like breastfeeding for every baby?

Myth: Wide neck nipples are most like a breast

Fact: Just because a bottle nipple looks like a breast does not mean it will act like a breast, or that a baby can achieve a good latch on that shape.

Holding the bottle horizontally will slow the milk flow.

Fact: Holding the bottle horizontally does NOT change milk flow! This is a very common myth circulating around the internet. We have studied flow extensively, and have proven that the angle of the bottle does not change the flow--not even a little bit.

Myth: Bottle use leads to nipple confusion

Fact: When a bottle nipple is chosen according to the shape that creates the best latch, and the flow of the bottle is controlled to mimic breastfeeding, nipple confusion is unlikely.

Myth: Mothers should not introduce a bottle

Fact: Actually, the mother is the only person who is acquainted with what her baby's latch looks like on her breast.  She is the perfect person to introduce the bottle to a young baby.

Myth: Don't use a bottle until 1 week before work

Fact: Depending on the baby's age, this may lead to nipple resistance and disaster.  Older babies learn to prefer mom's breast, and may be unwilling to even try a bottle. We suggest introducing a bottle around 3 weeks of age.

Myth: Bottle use leads to low milk supply

Fact:  If a mother understands supply and demand, and she pumps her breasts with a high quality pump for missed feedings, it is possible for her to maintain her milk supply.

Learn all the details in our book Balancing Breast and Bottle, either ebook or paperback.

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